Now securing RANK in CA exams is EASY for me too!!!
Dear Friends,
The title may seem a bit unrealistic, initially, and you may think that Sanket has become insane and what non-sense he is going to talk about! So let me clear friends, this is not the case and I am perfectly alright while writing this article. :-p
Believe me my friends, clearing CA Exams and securing rank is not at all a difficult task; provided we follow a proper and systematic approach towards studies.
First of all, say Good Bye to fear of CA Exams and don‟t get concerned about the results. “You just concentrate on your efforts, and let efforts themselves take care of your results.”
Fall in love with your studies. Once you will get into love, both you and study will attract each other resulting into spending more time with each other .;-)
Don‟t consider yourself different from a rank holder. We all are rank holders.
Remember friends, rank holders are not from any other planet, they are someone amongst us only! Neither they are taught by different teachers, neither they get different (easy) question paper, nor they have access to notes which are not available to others. Everything is same, but what makes them different from us is their “efforts” which we can be easily put into.
Don‟t be afraid of any adverse situations. “Nothing great was ever achieved in perfect conditions”. So fight with those adversities and emerge as a “winner”. Here, it
would be worthwhile to quote that there is always “Prosperity in adversity”. Also, I would add that not always results come in the way we would have expected, but don‟t get nervous or disappointed. Take this as a motivation to try harder this time. And Don‟t take any step
which is harmful to yourself and your family. Because everything can be achieved later, but life once gone cannot come back again.
Sincerity: Be sincere in your studies. Avoid cell phones and other distractions during classes. Be attentive. Do your homework religiously.
Have faith in your teachers and study material. „First seek to understand, and then be understood.‟
Consistency: Consistency is the key to success. Start studying from the very first day of the joining CA Course (if not yet, start now) till the day of your results. Studying regularly will help you to sail with ease during peak time.
Rightly said, „Failing to plan is planning to fail‟. Planning plays an important role for securing good marks. Make a detailed plan of how to complete your syllabus.
We can divide the whole planning in four parts –
The first part is when we are busy in our tuitions and articleship. At this time, we should get a fair idea of all the subjects and whole syllabus. We can prepare our own notes or highlight important points.
The second part is of self study during preparation leave. Make sure that every
subject is revised for at least three times. Also appear for test series. Because if you don‟t appear for test series, your Final Exams will become Test Series.
The third part is a day before exam. This is too crucial part because if you are unable to revise the whole course within this period, it will get difficult to recollect anything during exams. We get roughly 20 hours between two papers, so plan accordingly. We should be able to complete whole syllabus along with Revision Test Papers and Mock Test Papers in those 20 hours.
On the day of previous paper, start with easy things. Next day, complete upto 95% of the syllabus and then on the day of exams, complete the remaining and quickly recapitulate formulae, headings of Standard on Auditing and Accounting Standards, etc.
The fourth part is all about those 3 hours 15 minutes. Keep your mind calm in this period. In initial 15 minutes, read whole paper thoroughly. Prepare a blue print of how you are going to attempt next three hours. Then start solving accordingly. Have proper track of time. Do take a break of 5 minutes after 90 or 100 minutes. This will help refreshing you. Also keep spare time of 5 minutes at the end to check the paper.
I think the above simple steps will prove useful for you. Wish you all the best for all your endeavors in life. Success is waiting for you, just start with a single step and grab it. So I think now everybody would definitely strive to secure rank.
Always Yours,
Sanket Gala