CA Intermediate

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CA Intermediate Course:

Are you curious to know about CA Intermediate course it’s registration procedure, eligibility & syllabus? Then you are on the right page, here we will tell you all about CA Intermediate course.

Chartered Accountants are the professional bodies that deal with almost every topic of finance like Taxation, Auditing, Business Economics. With the effect of Gst, demonetization and many other regulation acts applied to common man, the role of Chartered accountant job has become more intensive and complex in the current scenario.

While preparing the CA course, ICAI has made Intermediate as the first step of getting detailed knowledge about various Financial and Accounting aspects.

In order to integrate the course with practical experience, ICAI has introduced 4 weeks integrated course of Information Technology and Soft Skill, where candidates learn how to use technology and develop communication skills, to support “Advice and Consultancy” services, given to people around.

Complete Guide Of CA Intermediate Course:

Name of the course CA Intermediate
CA Intermediate Exam Dates January, June Exam & September Exam
CA Intermediate Eligibility criteria CA Foundation passed or Direct Entry Scheme
CA Intermediate Course Subjects
  1. Group I
  2. Paper-1 Advanced Accounting (100 marks)
  3. Paper-2 Corporate and Other Laws (100 marks)
  4. Paper-3 Taxation Section A - Income-tax Law (50 Marks), Section B - Goods and Services Tax (GST) (50 Marks)
  5. Group II
  6. Paper-4 Cost and Management Accounting (100 marks)
  7. Paper-5 Auditing and Ethics (100 marks)
  8. Paper-6A Financial Management (50 Marks)
  9. Paper-6B Strategic Management (50 Marks)
CA Intermediate Course Duration 10 Months
CA Intermediate Passing Criteria 40% marks in each subject or 50% marks in aggregate

CA Intermediate Course – Eligibility Criteria

• Candidates who have cleared the foundation level with 50% aggregate marks

• Candidates who have cleared CPT exams with 50% aggregate marks

• Candidates who have appeared for IPCC exams, but could not clear the exam

• Graduate/Postgraduate scoring 55% in case of commerce stream and 60% for another stream

• Intermediate level examination cleared by students of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India or The Institute of Company Secretaries of India

• Students who are appearing for the final year exams of graduation can apply under the provisional scheme.

Candidates must register for the CA Intermediate Course under both routes by filling out the Online CA Intermediate/New IPCC Registration Form available on ICAI website (